
Traffic box art of yearbook photographs by Willow Socia

 Above image © Willow Socia; Super Galactic Space Invaders Clandestine Pupils of Earth (2011) by Willow Socia is located at the intersection of Myrtle St. & Capitol Blvd. in downtown Boise and part of the City of Boise's Traffic Box Art collection. Browse the collections.

The Department of Arts & History is Boise’s local cultural agency dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging through accessible and place-based arts and history.

Our Mission

The Department of Arts History's mission is to cultivate a distinct sense of place which reflects Boise’s rich past, diverse communities, and unique natural setting. Our operations empower and serve Boise residents as we create opportunities that nurture and sustain Boise’s past and its creative economy.

The City of Boise is proud to be a welcoming community striving to ensure a safe, equitable, and inclusive city that celebrates the diversity of the people who live, work, and play in our community and recognizes the fundamental human dignity of all. Learn more:

Stay in touch with the Department of Arts & History on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X, and YouTube. Receive news, opportunities, and event updates by signing up for our newsletter:

Boise Arts & History Staff Listing

, Cultural Planner 
EMILY CHIVERSGrants and Public Programs Manager
MAKENZI DUNSTAN, Education and Outreach Coordinator
TENISHA EASTMAN-DODSON, Cultural Sites Program Coordinator
MONICA GALVAN, Cultural Sites Program Coordinator
LIANNA HAMBY, Public Art Project Coordinator
KRISTEN HILL, Cultural Sites Program Manager CAITLIN HOCKLANDER, History Program Assistant
STEPHANIE JOHNSON, Public Art Program Manager
ALAGGIO LAURINO, Cultural Assets Project Coordinator
MAUREEN LAVELLE, History Programs Manager
SAMUEL PADEN, Cultural Sites AssistantJAMILE SHIRLEY, Cultural Assets Program Manager
CALLEY SUNDERMAN, Cultural Sites Assistant
JILLIAN WHITEHILL, Executive Assistant
HANNAH WILLIAMSON, Public Works Public Art Project CoordinatorJENNIFER YRIBAR, Communications Manager