**REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT: City Hall Vestibule Vinyl Mural Proposals
Posted on 1/24/19 by Arts History
We’re looking for your thoughts and comments on the two selected finalists competing for the City Hall Vestibule Vinyl Mural public art project at Boise’s City Hall.
Please view finalists proposals and project information below and leave a private comment where it says “leave a reply”. Public feedback will be provided to the evaluation panel for consideration when making the final selection. Comments will be accepted until February 11, 2019 at 5:00 p.m.
by Goran Fazil

TITLE: Walking Sequence
This work is a depiction of an overlapping walking sequence. It reflects the idea of community as a sequence of elements that vary one from another, a range of overlapping colors that fit together into a cyclical progression of the color wheel.
by Lorelle Rau & Brooke Burton

TITLE: I am Boise
This artwork is a digital collage designed to visually represent Boise as a welcoming city. What makes a welcoming city? We posed the question to social media; friends said: outdoor activities like biking, hiking, fishing and time with people who share those interests, low cost of living, waiting patiently (for traffic, for geese, in long lines), not judging a book by its cover, supporting local businesses, offering help to new neighbors, making eye contact, and a smile.
Boise City invites artists to apply for an opportunity to design artwork for the entrance to City Hall, also known as City Hall’s Capitol Boulevard vestibule. The selected artist will be paid $5,000 to create an artwork to be fabricated into a vinyl wrap that will fill the Northern and Southern walls of the space. The opportunity is open to artists working in all disciplines. The artwork should complement the space, serve to highlight the unique and celebrated qualities of life in the City of Boise, and welcome visitors to City Hall. Artist will collaborate with City staff to develop site appropriate content.
The selected artist will work with a City-hired fabricator to provide direction and oversight for the proper installation orientation of the artwork. The fabricator will translate the original artwork into the vinyl and manage the fabrication and installation of the mural. The artist will retain the copyright to the work, however the City will maintain ownership of the vinyl. The mural is expected to last 5 – 8 years and the City may choose to remove the vinyl and provide a new opportunity for the space in the future.

The City of Boise remodeled the vestibule in
tandem with renovations of the City Hall Plaza in 2018. The blank space was identified as an ideal
opportunity to commission an artist to reimagine the space through the
implementation of an immersive artwork.
The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity to a wide range of
artists to create an inviting experience for visitors to City Hall.
The City anticipates commissioning an artist who is able to work efficiently and effectively with Public Art staff and the city-hired fabricator throughout the development of the project. The artist is expected to collaborate on the development of the final design and potentially translate feedback from stakeholders into the final artwork. The artwork is expected to address the specific context of the project location, the Capitol Boulevard City Hall vestibule. The artist may choose to address the following themes, as identified by major stakeholders: welcoming city, Boise culture and values, business and functions of the City, what makes Boise unique, and the citizen’s experience.