Arts & History Blog

Creators, Makers & Doers: Ward Hooper

Posted on 6/17/15 by Arts & History

Plaid shirts, vintage apothecary bottles and early American iconography fill the walls of Ward Hooper’s downtown gallery. The space features prints of and a myriad of merchandise incorporating the artist’s … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Anna Webb and Reham Aarti

Posted on 6/10/15 by Arts & History

Located at corner of Crescent Rim Drive & Eastover Terrace, near the Depot in Boise, Idaho, sits 306,000 mosaic tiles, each one set lovely by hand. Meet Anna Web and … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Lisa Flowers Ross

Posted on 6/3/15 by Arts & History

Work spaces come in all shapes and sizes. Be it a small studio carved out of the garage, a backyard addition, or a warehouse, personal space proves to be essential … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Sue Latta

Posted on 5/27/15 by Arts & History

Sue Latta welds, grinds, casts, cuts and pours an assortment of materials in her downtown Boise warehouse studio. Finding inspiration in women who break the rules (like Kiki Smith) and … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Charles Gill

Posted on 5/20/15 by Arts & History

Now in his eighties, Charles Gill paints nearly every day as he has for roughly 68 years. He paints with no commitment to specific style or subject, with work ranging … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Grant Olsen

Posted on 5/13/15 by Arts & History

Adorable dogs, strong black coffee, musical instruments, and a collection of Richard Nixon photographs all comingle in Grant Olsen’s live-work space. Grant’s full-time art career began in 2002; in that … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Amy Westover

Posted on 5/6/15 by Arts & History

In Amy Westover’s studio—a modest yurt on her property in Boise, Idaho—, it’s not uncommon to find shards of glass, printing presses, kilns and planning documents. This multi-faceted, non-medium specific … Read More

Creators, Makers & Doers: Rick Friesen

Posted on 4/29/15 by Arts & History

At his North-End, Boise home, Rick Friesen quietly paints with a humble determination. Snapshots of landscapes and familiar faces adorn the studio walls of this 21-year veteran to Boise’s creative … Read More


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