OneBeat Boise City Welcome with Mayor Bieter


Date: 10/10/2017 3:00 PM - 10/10/2017 3:30 PM

Location: 150 N Capital Blvd Boise Id 83702

Cost: free

Category: Special Events

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OneBeat visits Boise

Join Mayor Bieter and City of Boise officials as we welcome 25 adventurous musicians from 17 countries traveling together through OneBeat. This fun and informal meet and greet will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 10 at 3:00pm in the downtown lobby of City Hall. 

On October 10 & 11, OneBeat will be sharing with us an unique musical experience in partnership with Treefort Music Fest and the City of Boise. For more information on OneBeat and event details, visit:

This year’s performers include South African vocalist Nonku Phiri; Aisaana Omorova, a komuz (traditional three-stringed strummed instrument) player from Kyrgyzstan; Chicago-based producer Elijah Jamal; and Belorussian producer and singer Natalia Kuznetskaya. 

Event photo by: Alexia Webster