The Fast and the Frightening: Speed Micro-Fiction Writing Contest

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Date: 10/17/2019 7:00 PM - 10/17/2019 8:30 PM

Location: The Mode - 800 W. Idaho Street, Boise 83702

Cost: Free

Category: Special Events

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in Collaboration with Idaho Horror Film Festival

*Grant Recipient*
Ages 21 +
If your creative cauldron is bubbling with devilish ideas, or you fancy yourself the next Edgar Allen Poe, you won’t want to miss The Fast and the Frightening, a speed micro-fiction writing contest in collaboration with Idaho Horror Film Festival!

You’ll receive a horror writing prompt and 20 minutes to concoct a sinister story of 500 words or less. We encourage bringing along a digital device, though we’ll accept pen/pencil and paper if your scrawling is legible. After the judges review the stories (assuming they don’t die of fright!) the top 3 will be awarded prizes and read their story aloud!