Funding Workshop for Nonprofits


Date: 4/11/2020 10:00 AM - 4/11/2020 3:00 PM

Location: Boise Public Library - Hayes Auditorium

Cost: Free


Category: Classes

Join Kyrsten Bell, fundraising consultant, in an all-day workshop to help nonprofits' staff to help find operational and project funding. This workshop will focus on arts and culture related nonprofits, but those working in other fields are welcome. Ms. Bell will advise on crafting solid planning strategies as well as budgeting, recruiting volunteers, and board members. Participants will learn how to use the Foundation Directory Online database to find potential funders, about various resources for grant writing, program/event evaluation, and more!

Registration is required. Stay tuned for updates to the workshop agenda.

Coffee and snacks will be provided. A lunch break will be from 12-1 PM. Bring a sack lunch or check out some Downtown Boise restaurants. 

Please bring a reusable coffee mug and water bottle. 

Presented by the City of Boise Department of Arts & History, the Boise Public Library, and Bell Fundraising Consultants.