Open Arms Dance

Open Arms Jan Rehearsal-3.jpg

Date: 3/6/2020 5:45 PM - 3/6/2020 7:30 PM

Location: JUMP - 1000 W. Myrtle St., Boise ID 83702

Cost: FREE

Category: Dance

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ILLUMiBRATE Opening Ceremonies & Roaring '20s Dance Party

*Grant Recipient*

Open Arms Dance performs "If I Ever..." to live cello and guitar and premieres their new work "Sing, Sing, Sing for the Suffragists" for ILLUMiBRATE's opening ceremonies outside  JUMP's main entrance at 5:45pm. Enjoy the ILLUMiBRATE festivities that follow, then join us at 7:00pm in JUMP's first floor lobby for a Roaring '20s Dance Party!!