Couch Surfer Series


Date: 11/15/2022 6:00 PM - 11/15/2022 8:00 PM

Location: Ochos - 515 W. Idaho Street, Boise ID 83702

Cost: Free - Donations for artists appreciated

Category: Special Events

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with Tomas Baiza & Dan Costello

*Grant Recipient*

FREE and OPEN - 21+ - DOORS 6pm, Event 7-9pm - This month writer Tomas Baiza and singer/songwriter Dan Costello reading and performing original work and taking a deep dive into process and practice of their art. Think: NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts meets Fresh Air. Doors at 5pm. Couch Surfing at 6pm. Delicious food and drink served by the Ochos crew. DONATIONS for the artists accepted throughout the night and highly appreciated!