Fettuccine Forum: The Treasure Valley’s Asian Pioneers: Archaeology and History of Asian Americans in Boise and Vicinity

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Date: 11/2/2023 6:00 PM - 11/2/2023 7:00 PM

Location: Trailhead

Cost: Free

Tickets: Participate Virtually

Category: Lectures

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The Treasure Valley’s Asian Pioneers: Archaeology and History of Asian Americans in Boise and Vicinity

Today, many traces of Idaho's Asian American pioneers can be found in documentary accounts, archaeological remains, and cultural manifestations within Boise’s modern cityscape. Dr. Priscilla Wegars, a historian, historical archaeologist, artifact analyst, editor, and proofreader, together with Renae Campbell, a historical archaeology doctoral candidate at the University of Idaho, summarize evidence from Idaho’s long and varied Asian American history to examine the experiences and significance of Asian and Asian American people in the Boise vicinity for over 150 years.

About the Speakers

How to Participate

These free, hour-long events take place at 6 p.m. (MT) in-person at Trailhead (500 S 8th St, Boise) and virtually over ZOOM with automated live subtitles. Pre-registration is required to join virtually. Cash bar available for in-person guests. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Attend at Trailhead

Trailhead | 500 S 8th St | Boise, ID 83702

Participate Virtually (Zoom)


Upcoming Forums

February 1, 2024
Fettuccine Forum: Connected Along the Edges: How Boise’s Environmental History Nurtured Community
Feat. Karl Brooks

March 7, 2024
Fettuccine Forum: Housing and Home in a Growing Boise
Feat. Krista Paulsen

About the Fettuccine Forum

Lively and informal, the series invites the public to interact with politicians, artists, historians, activists, advocates, and professionals in an effort to promote good citizenship and responsible growth through education. Support from the Office of the Mayor, Boise State Public Radio, the Department of History at Boise State University, and Trailhead all make the Forum possible. Learn more on our website.