Story Story Night Presents HUMBLE PiE: Stories of Humility (and pie)

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Date: 11/14/2023 8:00 PM - 11/14/2023 10:00 PM

Location: Visual Arts Collective

Cost: Individual Ticket $17

Tickets: Link

Category: Grant Recipient

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Story Story Late-Night TRiCK OR TREAT: Stories of Dupery & Delight

HUMBLE PiE: Stories of Humility (and pie)


Stuff it, Uncle Bob, and your Metaverse talk of a war against Christmas. Gorge yourself on an even more subversive take on The Holidays at Story Story Late-Night. Positively shameless, hear savory details that’d make your salty grandma say: “Do they eat with that mouth?”

Rated R to XXX, how much story time can you swallow? (Don’t read that dirty. Or do.) With featured storytellers intermixed with an uncensored story slam, what happens at Late-Night, stays at Late-Night…until we put it on our podcast.

Join Boise's Cultural Ambassador Story Story Night and the storytellers at HUMBLE PiE: Stories of Humility (and pie) at Visual Arts Collective (21+).

Tickets available through Story Story Night's website.

Cultural Ambassador Program

The City of Boise Cultural Ambassador program is designed to share Boise’s cultural and creative community with other cities across the globe and foster connection to global audiences. Acting as Boise’s honorary representative to the world, the Cultural Ambassador engages with national and international audiences through the public expression of culture that helps develop, document, research, share, or reflect upon Boise’s cultural life. Learn more.