Boise Depot
Boise Depot is a series of four black and white photographs taken in 1991 by German-born photographer Peter Oberlindacher. Developed as selenium-toned silver prints, the photos depict both interior and exterior shots of the Boise Depot in a noir style, creating an atypical visual experience of the structure. This group of photos was added to the Boise Visual Chronicle in 1996.
Artist Statement: With these photographs the artist wishes to bring an awareness to our local surroundings so that we continue to vaule our visual heritage. Photographing exclusively in black and white and using natural light, the artist uses his background in geology to reveal the details often missed by others.
The Boise Visual Chronicle (BVC) is a city-owned collection of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs and other works depicting life in Boise. The collection provides a rich visual document of Boise’s changing landscape, people and perspectives. The BVC also forms a unique portrait of the artistic vitality and evolving perceptions of artists in the region. With original funding from the Greater Boise Auditorium District, additional works are acquired or commissioned and funded by Boise City and Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC). Works from the collection are exhibited at the Boise Centre on the Grove, Boise City Hall, CCDC’s offices and the Boise Airport.
The vast majority of the images of the artworks, historical photographs, and other items in the Arts and History Collections are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any use or reproduction of such images is governed by the City of Boise’s Terms of Use.
The information about each work is published from the Boise City Department of Arts and History’s collection database. Updates and additions stemming from research and image activities are ongoing, with new content added regularly. Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. Please contact the Department of Arts and History if you have further information on the rights status of a work contrary or in addition to the information in our records.