
April VanDeGrift
Maryanne Jordan Council Chambers in Boise City Hall
Geographical Area:
Boise Visual Chronicle
Animal, Place

This work uses Natural History as a device to communicate contemporary issues about our Boise Community. Three types of birds are perched amongst the branches of the mock orange, or syringa, a flowering bush that is Idaho’s state flower. Migratory, resident, and introduced birds are represented in the western tanager, the house finch, and the European starling respectively. These birds coexist amongst the branches along with bumble bees, apple ermine moths, sawflies, and caterpillars, bringing a balance and beauty to the picture plane that is both active and serene. Painted in oils, this work was created to be a focal piece in the Boise City Council Chambers.

Now in its 20th year, the Boise Visual Chronicle (BVC) a city-owned collection of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs and other works depicting life in Boise. The collection provides a rich visual document of Boise’s changing landscape, people and perspectives. The BVC also forms a unique portrait of the artistic vitality and evolving perceptions of artists in the region. With original funding from the Greater Boise Auditorium District, additional works are acquired or commissioned and funded by Boise City and Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC). Works from the collection are exhibited at the Boise Centre on the Grove, Boise City Hall, CCDC’s offices and the Boise Airport.