8th Street Marketplace Artists-in-Residence Call-to-Artists


July 15, 2011

Call-to-Artists for September to March Residencies
Deadline August 22, 2011

Boise- The 8th Street Marketplace Artist in Residence (AiR) program selects emerging and established artists for six-month residencies in donated commercial office spaces in downtown Boise. AiR originated in 8th Street Marketplace at BoDo, which continues its commitment to the program, and expanded to an additional site in downtown Boise-Renewal "Underground" at 8th and Fulton.

The City of Boise's Department of Arts and History, in partnership with property owners Ephriam Greenwall, G. Square Companies, and the Boise Weekly, is administering and co-sponsoring the program. In August a selection panel of community business and arts leaders will select new artists for the September - March residency. The selections are to be made based on the strength of the artist's work samples, letters of interest, and letters of support. The panelists will choose artists who would engage the spaces and audiences differently. Artists are asked to share their work with the public during First Thursday studio tours.

Artists submit by August 22, 2011 the following:
• letter of interest
• resume
• up to ten digital images (jpg, 72dpi) on a CD of artwork
or other work sample representing artistic practice
• two references with phone and e-mail contacts

• Space provided to artist rent free by property owner
• Artists & Writers pay for liability insurance ad provide a refundable $75 damage deposit
• Artists leave behind one artwork for property owner
• Artists & Writers open studios for First Thursday events
• Boise City & property owners promote artists/events

Send Applications to:
8th Street Artist-in-Residency
Boise City Department of Arts & History
PO Box 500
Boise, ID 83701-0500

Or Deliver to:
8th Street Artist-in-Residency
Boise City Department of Arts & History
Boise City Hall
150 N. Capitol Boulevard, 1st Fl, Bldg 2
Or e-mail to:  kbubb@cityofboise.org