Grant Applications Open


June 15, 2011

Boise, Idaho - The Boise City Arts & History Grant Program will begin accepting 2011 grant applications on June 15.  The deadline for applications is 3:00 p.m., Friday, July 29.


This program supports a variety of activities and disciplines, and is open to individuals for arts and history-related projects and to non-profit organizations in Boise. A panel review will evaluate the applications and determine grant awards based on the potential positive impact on the community. Panel experts will focus on quality, management practices, and community involvement. The grant funding is for the period beginning October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012.


The grant program expands cultural opportunities for individuals and organizations, develops audiences, and increases awareness of art and history in Boise. Boise residents and/or projects that take place in Boise are welcome to apply. Applications must be submitted online.


Applications are due by 3:00 pm July 29. Award-recipients will be announced in early September. For more information and to download the online application please visit us at:


The Department will offer two workshops to guide applicants through the process:


Workshop 1 - June 23, 3:00 pm, Foothills Room, City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd)
Workshop 2 - July 7, 6:00 pm, Foothills Room, City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd)
If unable to attend a workshop, please contact staff for assistance.


Time Line

July 29, 2011: Grant Deadline

August (mid) 2011: Panel Review

September 2011: Award Announcement

October 1, 2011: Project Start

September 1, 2012: Project End