Linen District Call-to-Artists for Sculpture
March 18, 2011
Bid Documents Available
Boise-Boise City invites artists living in the United States to apply for the opportunity to create a sculptural artwork for the Linen District streetscape to add to the vitality of this growing commercial area. This is an open invitation to artists to submit applications to be considered for the project. Artists will submit images of past work, letter of interest, and resume according to the instructions provided in the bid documents. A panel will select three artists from the applicants, who will each be paid $1,000 to provide proposal designs.
Project Budget: $37,000 Submittal deadline: April 20, 1:30pm, local time.
To Apply for this Project:
Register as a vendor at DemandStar by going to: and
click on the link to DemandStar. Registering on DemandStar is
Once registered, go to: and
click on the RFP/RFQ/Bids link and download the project documents
for SRFP 11-116-0-2011/mmm Linen District Public Art, which will
give artists instructions on how to apply online or send in a
hard-copy application.
To find out more about Boise's public art program go to:
Questions? Missy Morrison, Purchasing Specialist,
About Us:
The Department of Arts and History was established by City
Ordinance in March 2008 to enhance the Boise community by providing
leadership, advocacy, education, services, and support for arts and
history. The new Department emerged from the former Boise City Arts
Commission, which was established by City Ordinance in 1978 as a
nonprofit city agency to advise and assist the City Council in
development, coordination, promotion and support of the arts.