Request for Proposals - Boise 150 Operations Plan Preparation


March 10, 2011

The Department of Arts & History requests proposals to prepare an operations plan for celebrating Boise's 150th Anniversary in 2013.

Prepare a final report outlining the plan, which should include the following content:

  1. Summary of recommendations for programming components and the indirect and direct role of the Department of Arts & History.
  2. Strategy for incorporating content experts into concept and program development.
  3. Strategy for public engagement and community partner involvement.
    1. Outline the types and composition of working committees.
    2. Provide recommendations for support and participation from other City departments.
    3. Identify organizations, groups, and individuals who are potentially promising participants either as collaborators for a City-sponsored program, as presenters of their own program, or as potential funders.
  4. Marketing/Communications/Public Relations strategies and costs to promote Boise 150 during the planning phase and throughout 2013.
  5. Timelines
  6. Budget recommendations for preparation and implementation (October 2011 - December 2013)
    1. Include estimated Department of Arts & History direct expenditures (Department-sponsored programs, marketing, staffing, etc.)
    2. Estimate costs for possible City support of community partners' events.
    3. Identify details of potential funding sources, such as grants and sponsorships.
    4. Prioritize budget expenditures that will serve as an outline for contingency planning if full implementation of the Boise 150 plan is not feasible due to funding issues.

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