New Cultural Resource Guide


November 09, 2011

Boise City Department of Arts & History Develops Cultural Resource Guide

BOISE, ID- Need something to do with your relatives over the holidays?The Boise City Department of Arts & History announces a new cultural resource guide that lists arts, history, and cultural organizations, groups, and businesses in Boise along with links to their websites and phone numbers. The guide is available as a printed brochure; it is also accessible on a personal computer and via a mobile site with a smart phone or tablet.

  •  Brochure - You will find the brochure at various businesses and organizations throughout Boise; brochures are also available at Boise City Hall in the Department of Arts & History, or you may call 433-5675 to request one.
  • Electronic Version - You may access the brochure from a computer or mobile phone/tablet at:


The cultural resource guide is intended to help residents and visitors discover and learn more about Boise's robust cultural infrastructure. Our community is fortunate to have many cultural offerings that make Boise an interesting, rich, and unique place where people want to live and visit.

All organizations, groups, or businesses in the guide must have arts, history, or culture as their primary focus and purpose for existence. Businesses must be locally-based (not chains), operate from a facility outside of the home, and have a physical address within Boise (Garden City accepted on a case-by-case basis). Supply or equipment businesses are not included in this guide, nor are individual artists or performers. (The Idaho Commission on the Arts provides a directory of individual artists, writers, and performing artists at .)

The guide is a work in progress; the Department of Arts & History will continually update online information and is expected to update and print additional guides in the future as funds allow.

About Us:       

The Department of Arts and History was established by City Ordinance in March 2008 to enhance theBoisecommunity by providing leadership, advocacy, education, services, and support for arts and history. The new Department emerged from the former Boise City Arts Commission, which was established by City Ordinance in 1978 as a nonprofit city agency to advise and assist the City Council in development, coordination, promotion and support of the arts. 

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