Arts and History Grant Program Accepting Applications for BOISE 150 Projects


June 21, 2012

CONTACT:  Terri Schorzman, Director | 208.433.5670 ext. 2 |

Boise, Idaho -The Boise City Department of Arts & History (A&H) announces the opening of its annual grant program and will accept applications from June 21, 2012 through Friday, August 3, at 12:00Noon. The grant funding is for projects in the 2013 calendar year, although projects will also be considered for the period between October 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012.  Award-recipients will be announced in early September 2012.

The City of Boise will celebrate its sesquicentennial-or 150th anniversary-throughout 2013. The A&H grant program for 2013 supports this endeavor by offering funding opportunities to individuals and organizations for arts and history related projects that directly correlate with BOISE 150 themes: enterprise, environment and community (see for more information). Applicants can apply for grant amounts between $1000 and $5000 in thousand dollar increments.  

A panel review will evaluate applications and make recommendations based on the following criteria: (1) how well the projects reflect the goals and themes of BOISE 150; (2) project management; (3) community involvement or access; (4) appropriate budget.

Boise residents and/or projects that take place in Boise are welcome to apply. Applications must be submitted online. Read more information on grant criteria and link to the application at: .

The Department will offer four workshops for potential applicants:

  • Workshop 1 -Thursday, June 28, 6:00 pm-7:00pm, Boise Public Library (Main), Hayes Auditorium (715 S. Capitol Blvd.)
  • Workshop 2 - Monday, July 9, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Foothills Room, City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd)
  • Workshop 3 - Thursday, July 12, July 7, 6:00 pm-7:00pm, Boise Public Library (Main), Hayes Auditorium (715 S. Capitol Blvd.)
  • Workshop 4 - Friday, July 13, 12:00pm-1:00pm, Foothills Room, City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd)

Time Line

  • June 21, 2012: Grant Opens
  • August 3, 2012: Grant Deadline
  • August 2012: Panel Review
  • September 2012: Award Announcement
  • January 1, 2013: Project Start
  • December 31, 2013: Project End

About Us:

The Department of Arts and History was established by City Ordinance in March 2008 to enhance the Boise community by providing leadership, advocacy, education, services, and support for arts and history. The new Department emerged from the former Boise City Arts Commission, which was established by City Ordinance in 1978 as a nonprofit city agency to advise and assist the City Council in development, coordination, promotion and support of the arts.