Boise’s Arts & Culture Industry Generates $48 Million


June 08, 2012

Boise's Nonprofit Arts and Culture Industry Generates $48,035,096 in Economic Activity and Supports 1602 Jobs Annually According to Americans for the Arts
Arts Industry Returns $4,461,000 in Revenue to Local and State Coffers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The nonprofit arts and culture industry generates $48,035,096 in annual economic activity in Boise-supporting 1,602 full-time equivalent jobs and generating $4,461,000in local and state government revenues, according to the Arts & Economic Prosperity IV national economic impact study. The most comprehensive economic impact study of the nonprofit arts and culture industry ever conducted in the United States, Arts & Economic Prosperity IV was conducted by Americans for the Arts, the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education.
According to the study, Boise's nonprofit arts and culture organizations spent $22,741,964 during fiscal year 2010. This spending is far-reaching: organizations pay employees, purchase supplies, contract for services and acquire assets within their community. Those dollars, in turn, generated $35,976,000 in household income for local residents and $4,461,000 in local and state government revenues.
Terri Schorzman, director of the Boise City Department of Arts & History, noted the importance of these findings, particularly during the economic downturn. "Our goal in participating in the survey was to quantify the economic role our cultural organizations play in Boise. We've found that it is significant. This information is important when considering the broad value of a strong and well-supported cultural community and how it contributes to the quality of life in Boise. We like to say that a unique city is defined by the quality of its art and the richness of its history. The study shows us that a rich cultural life has a strong economic correlation well."

Nationally, the Arts & Economic Prosperity IV study reveals that the nonprofit arts industry produced $135.2 billion in economic activity during 2010. This spending-$61.1 billion by nonprofit arts and culture organizations plus an additional $74.1 billion by their audiences-supported 4.1 million full-time equivalent jobs and generated $22.3 billion in federal, state and local tax revenues.
"This study shines a much-needed light on the vital role the arts play in stimulating and sustaining economic development," says Robert L. Lynch, president and CEO of Americans for the Arts. "Contrary to popular belief, the arts are a bustling industry that supports a plethora of diverse jobs, generates significant revenues for local businesses and to federal, state and local governments and provides quality of life that positions communities to compete in our 21st century creative economy." 
Arts Industry Boon for Local Businesses
In addition to spending by organizations, the nonprofit arts and culture industry leverages $21.18 in event-related spending by each of its audience members. As a result of attending a cultural event, attendees often eat dinner in local restaurants, pay for parking, buy gifts and souvenirs, and pay a babysitter. What's more, attendees from out of town often stay overnight in local hotels. In Boise, these dollars support full-time equivalent jobs and generate $4,461,000 in local and state government revenues.

The Arts & Economic Prosperity IV study was conducted by Americans for the Arts and supported by The Ruth Lilly Fund of Americans for the Arts. Americans for the Arts' local, regional, and statewide project partners contributed both time and financial support to the study. The full text of the national statistical report is available at and local findings are available at /about-us/economic-impact/ .