PAC³ Grant Recipients Announced


March 28, 2012


BOISE, ID- The Boise City Department of Arts & History announces the recipients of the second Performing Arts for Cultural & Community Celebrations (PACĀ³)mini-grant program. This $12,000 grant program provides funds specifically to hire performing artists for community-building events and to help with associated costs, such as renting sound and stage equipment.
2012 Performing Arts for Cultural & Community Celebrations Grant Fund Recipients:
Boise Music Week, Sets, Musical Production, & Rentals | $1,500
Boise Rock School, Mini Concert Series | $1,000
Downtown Boise Association, Opening Local Bands for Alive After Five | $1,500
Friends of the Historical Museum, Museum Comes to Life, Performances | $1,600
Global Lounge Group, Global Village (Hyde Park Street Fair) | $1,600
Idaho Office for Refugees, World Refugee Day | $1,600
Morris Hill Neighborhood Association, Celebrate Street performances | $1,600
Soul Food Extravaganza, Musical Performances | $1,600

A panel review committee evaluated applications and awarded amounts based on how closely they matched the grant criteria and total amount of available funds. All accepted events will occur by September 30, 2012. The performance component of all accepted events will be free to the public up to the capacity for the venue.
For more information on the grant program, visit the Boise City Department of Arts & History website.

Check the Department of Arts & History calendar for updates on these events and from other organizations that receive A&H direct funding support.
The Department of Arts and History was established by City Ordinance in March 2008 to enhance the Boise community by providing leadership, advocacy, education, services, and support for arts and history. The new Department emerged from the former Boise City Arts Commission, which was established by City Ordinance in 1978 as a nonprofit city agency to advise and assist the City Council in development, coordination, promotion and support of the arts.