Art in 6 Transit Shelters Completed!
October 19, 2012
Art in 6 Transit Shelters Completed!
Boise-Valley Regional Transit, in partnership with the Boise City Department of Arts and History, funded art on the roofs of six new transit shelters in downtown Boise. The public is invited to do self-guided tours of the new art.
Featured Idaho Artists:
- Will Spearman and Melissa "Sasi" Chambers, at 11th and State Street by the YMCA
- Shantara Sandberg, at 5th and Idaho Street
- Ben Gin, at 11th and State Street by Nelsons
- Chad Erpelding, at 1st and Idaho Streets by St. Luke's Hospital
- April VanDeGrift, at Main and 1st Street by Ronald McDonald House
- Jennifer Manning-Gilbreath, at 15th and Idaho Street
Also, new art panels by the aforementioned artists is installed on the side panels of transit shelters on Main and Idaho Streets.
The transit art project enhances the experience of pedestrians and downtown bus riders experience by providing colorful, unusual artwork to mark the transit shelters, and to provide shade for anyone using them. The project also helps bring interest and a sense of identity to retail businesses nearby. Trademark Sign Company, a locally-ownedBoisefirm, did the translation of the artists' designs into a vinyl wrap and installed the resulting artwork.
Boise's public art program engages artists in the design of our built environment, decreases graffiti, and increases the unique character of our city streets.