Call for Visual Arts Advisory Committee Volunteers


December 14, 2010

Boise City Department of Arts & History seeks citizens to serve on the Arts & History Visual Arts Advisory Committee (VAAC), which selects public art opportunities and reviews and makes recommendations on all proposals for public art for the City of Boise. Up to twelve members serve on VAAC. Appointments are for three year terms and members may be reappointed. Description of responsibilities 

Application Deadline: December 23, 2010, 5pm

Required: Fill out and submit two page application, submit brief cover letter and resume to Karen Bubb

Appointment: Boise City Arts & History Executive Committee will review applications and appoint up to three new members to the committee by January 1, 2011.

Meetings: Monthly meetings occur, typically, on the third Wednesday of the month from noon until 1 or 2pm (depending on the amount of material to review). Frequency or time of meeting may change if deemed best by committee members. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26th from 12-2pm